My Homepage

Hello! My name is Sabrina and I REALLY enjoy Japanese anime, so you'll find a lot of pictures of my favorite animes here. I recently especially enjoy an anime called "Kodomo no Omocha." Although it's a quite old anime, but it's story line is AWESOME!

I also included pictures of my friends and I, some VERY VERY CUTE pets, and some of my favorite cars. Please check out the Believe it or not and the Chinese comic strip section for some laughs also!^.^ Remember not to miss some interesting stories that I have received through email before. They may be a lot of words, but they WILL be worth your time! ^.< If you have any comments, please sign my guestbook, thank you!

Kodomo no Omocha! ADORABLE pet pictures!
Love Hina Hot wheels!
Funny Chinese Comic Strips
Believe it or not? (some funny pics here) My Favorite Links
Interesting Short Stories

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"When God forgives, he forgets. He buries our sins in the sea and puts up a sign on the bank saying, 'No Fishing Allowed.'" -Cornie TenBoom

Have you accepted Jesus as your personal savior yet? If not, go to your nearest Christian church and find out what He's all about! Please don't forget to read some of my short stories and a link in my favorite link section: 10 Reasons to Believe in the Christian Faith!